Belief as a driver of change

As a lifelong atheist I have never believed in any form of god. As long as I can think I have always pondered about the question why people fall into this trap of an illusion, where no logical explanation is good enough to justify just believing without proof.

While my atheistic view won’t change, my general perception to “Belief” as a concept has changed. When looking to belief as a tool, the whole mindset changes. Our world is pessimistic and depressed as it never has been, while the general data agrees that the standard of living is at a never seen peak. Studies suggest that our brains are wired for a negativity bias with instinctual survival needs as the root, making us react seven times more to negative than positive information and algorithms outsmarting us abusing that simple cognitive bias to use it for capitalistic benefit.

As the wonderful designer and personal idol of mine Neri Oxman stated in a podcast interview “I want to believe to believe” – and I couldn’t agree more with the beauty and relevance of this sentence. Believing in something when there is no harm deriving from it can be a powerful force for change. Belief or a general driving vision as I like to rationalize it can shape identities, organizations, social constructs, relationships and families. It is not about fulfilling superficial needs, rather than addressing core fundamental emotional needs that everyone of us has. It gives the future a form of vivid perspective rather than an empty nothingness void of perspective.

For many people a form of god acts as a catalyst to act on certain values, surviving hardships and having a greater vision on the personal outlook of life. While religious constructs have a lot to criticize and may seem primitive from a contemporary perspective, the core concept of belief can be utilized for a greater good, that enhances human life in general.

Personally I believe in a possible future, that sees our ecological system as a closed and limited source, that is able to provide everything that is required for a dignified existence in a controlled and sustainable way. A future where everyone can embrace their full potential and a future that not only sees everything as interconnected systems but also puts social connection on the forefront of societal change. Circularity may be the key to circumvent climate change with its catastrophic effects, that become more evident every year, as the baseline temperature continues to increase.

Future blog posts are going to build upon my belief on a better future and while having sometimes a cynical language, it will be always used for the inner vision that is driving my personal belief, that something better for everyone and everything can be designed.