Nostalgia for the Future – Or accepting that the past does no longer exist

New York – Berlin – London – Paris → Large names with large feelings. Feelings all from the past. Feeling from facts that existed before the globalization. “Berlin a cheap spot for artists, techno-experimentalists and hipsters to create” – it was. Today it is a place with overpriced real estate, hyper-individual individuals looking like the Instagram-recommendation feed comparable to the same IKEA-like exchangeability with hyper-individual teens from the Suburbs of Lübeck in Northern-Germany or a random suburb in Spain, that Social-Media has produced. What was once local is now global but the ideas still exist like the names of philosophers that proposed their way of thinking more than 4-digit-long-years ago. Today creative expression happens globally with a stage more filled then ever before. What was new and original is often times now online in a form better than ones own idea. And the idea of metropolises embracing those ideals? Is it just nostalgia that connects us with the pre-internet-era. How would digital nostalgia look like and what are the new names, creating similar feelings?

It is time to accept the present, design the future and to create our nostalgia of tomorrow in the digital age!