Coping with reality through art

Cat In The Night

As long as I am able to think there is an inner battle between how I want the world to look like versus how reality is. It’s a battle that can’t be won, but through innovation, concrete ideas, living this values by myself and the desire to just give a little output, I am certain a small change is possible. While there is only so much an individual can change on a large scale, everyone can use the circumstances of our reality to shape an individual world inside this reality, but this created world will be always affected by external circumstances outside of control.

Personally there are times where I feel like drowning from the standards my mind imposes on everything including this individual world, but fortunately for me there is always creativity and art as an hedonistic outlet to escape from those black holes, when I feel their gravity getting stronger on me. Sometimes it is easier for my mind to detach from reality from time to time to find relief in the metaphysical and abstract or other sensory pleasures. In artistic terms that means sculpting sounds, experimental photography, immersion into aesthetic experiences, graphic design, constructing fantasy realities, playing with theories and concepts or thinking about dimensions and vivid imagery, that are not transferable into the real world, except with 3D-tools in which I am currently lacking the skills in.

Those type of retreats can be useful for anyone and everyone should take their time to discover on how to use their internal stress in a constructive and healthy way aka designing coping mechanisms that address your personal needs – It doesn’t have to be art as there is so much more like traveling, raving, exploration of inner desires, sexuality, books et cetera. Maybe we as a society can encourage those retreats as it may contribute to long term collective satisfaction. It should always be possible and encouraged to find strategies that transform internal stress into a constructive healthy experience and if not, there should be at least external validation for the feelings of shaking inner worlds, as stress can be a powerful accelerator of change when it is discharged correctly.

Who knows what can emerge from this way of thinking? Hopefully something magic! 🌌